Hello All! I wanted to write this blog entry because I noticed a particular moment at my job that gave me the inspiration to write about this subject. We all know about work manners. What to say, how to act, how to hide when you're mad as hell at your boss by giving that forced smile that dreadfully hurts your face. You have to act appropriate wherever you work. Whether it's raising your voice in a higher pitch to appear more friendly or baking cookies for the whole office to enjoy, you must NOT be your normal self at your job! LOL! People are so sensitive in the work place. You look at someone the wrong way or you don't get on your knees and worship your boss, then there are consequences to pay! HA HA! People are easily offended. In a society where everyone wants to be politically edgy, but scared of being a true rebel, there is plenty of confusion in the world. In the workplace, what about the things that offend other employees that are not blatantly offensive?
Two weeks ago, I went to the office kitchen that everyone shares. I wanted to get some ice water. A superior employee was preparing the stinkiest snack I had ever smelled. It was horrible. It was tuna or fish with boiled eggs! It made the whole office smell like the fish market. Now, the employee was just eating her lunch, but it smelled so horrible that it was so rude. I notice that people bring the stinkiest things to eat for lunch. With the economy, I know that packing a lunch is important, but think about what you're bringing to lunch. Is it okay to bring a stinky snack to work? What do you think are proper work place manners? What annoys you about your job? Keep your name unknown. LOL! Comment below!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
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