I need passion in my life! Real passion! A sense of purpose and motivation that makes life enjoyable. Life is so short. In God's eyes, the age of 35 is probably two seconds. I realized that I have been at the devout hand of other people in my life. Worried about what I would say and how I would explain my actions. Wanting to be perfect for that special someone and make him happy. Depressed about not being that size two and how the world spits you out if you are not in the next issue of vogue! Being taught by so many the laws of God, in opposition with the fact that he really loves you, has made me all too confused. Taking so much in of what the world wants me to be has completely drained my spirit.
Today, I decide that I will not let anyone define me anymore. I was scared that my family, friends, lover, and the world would be disappointed in who I am. However, it has gotten to the point where I can't hide who I am. I believe that who you are is your soul. That inner core of your body that gives your life purpose. You may have a smile on your face, but the soul is truly how you feel. Most people cant be honest with themselves about their inner most feelings. They fake how they feel and roll with the punches. Why get in the boxing ring if you don't have to? Why beat yourself up when the world will do it for you at the drop of a dime?
As a young woman, trying to find out who you are hurts. It is painful. Unfortunately, most women don't offer each other support. Most of the time, women make it worse by beating up each others about their flaws. I have never heard a woman say to another woman, it's okay to be who you are and actually mean it. And a man, well that's another topic. Anyway, people say it is okay for you to be who you are, mistakes and all, but as soon as you are yourself, they say you have disappointed them.
Confidence is key. Love is the door knob. God is the door. God loves us all so much. Yet, he has a personal relationship with each one of us. The power of God has shown me his love. He has really showed me he loves me in one way or another, but why do I continue to let family, friends, a man, strangers, and media mold MY destiny? God has given me free will, so why should I let people control me? Why is it that people's opinion is the end all be all rather than the Lord's and your own? So before I do anything, if I have discussed it with my Lord and Savior, and asked him to help me gain wisdom and insight on a certain situation, then why do I need to take consideration of what YOU think is best for me? In fact, I have even lied to people so I can be what they want me to be. However, the one person that I have never lied to and can't lie to is God. How amazing! I come to realize that people, no matter who it is, will have a damn opinion 24/7. It will never stop. So if I cant make you happy despite trying to please you to the end of no return, then I will just make myself happy.
For all of you who are going through this life crisis or have gone through it, I wrote this for you. God loves you and now it's time to love yourself. Being who you want to be comes with a price, and the only person you have to sell yourself to is God. Bottom line. I have the strength to be who I am because I simply can't deal with who the world wants me to be any longer. If that makes me a bitch, diva, or a rebel, then so be it!
I do not own the rights to the above photo. Photo from www.tiatordos.net/625